Stover Middle: PTO
PTO President - Melissa Scott
Treasurer- Sharman Williams
Future PTO meetings
October 29 PTO Virtual Meeting (6pm)
November 26 PTO Virtual Meeting (6pm)
December No PTO Meeting
January 28 PTO Face to Face Meeting
February 25 PTO Virtual Meeting (6pm)
March 25 PTO Virtual Meeting (6pm)
April 22 PTO Face to Face Meeting (6pm) Last meeting of School Year
Upcoming Events:
October 14th - October 29th Boo Grams ($1 per Boo Gram)
November 4th - 15th Penny Wars Fundraiser
November 13th Kona Ice
December 11th Chick Fil A breakfast ($6 for biscuit and water)
January 27 - February 12th Valentine Gram Campaign
February 14th Valentine Grams Sent out
March 28th Kona Ice
April 8th 6th grade Chick Fil A lunches for sale
April 9th 7th grade chick Fil A lunches for Sale
April 10th 8th Grade Chick Fil A lunches for sale
May 5th - 9th Teacher Appreciation Week