Title One Written Procedure for Processing Parent Suggestions
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AVID Program School
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Title One
Written Procedure for Processing Parent Suggestions
Dear Stover Families,
Comments and suggestions made by parents/guardians are important to the planning, design, and implementation of programs at a Title One School. Parents can make comments, ask questions, and make suggestions by emailing the school principal at chantelle.baker@kcsdschools.net , by calling or texting the principal at (803)713-4389, or calling the main office directly at (803) 438-7414.
The following procedure is followed when parent comments, questions, or suggestions are received:
Information shared with appropriate personnel, as needed.
After discussion or research of information, a decision is made regarding information received and the appropriate person provides parent(s) with a response. Responses may be provided verbally, in a meeting, via telephone, by letter, or in email as appropriate. The appropriate personnel will respond to comments, questions, and suggestions within a 48 hour time frame.
We sincerely appreciate your comments, questions, and suggestions to ensure that students are receiving the very best educational experience.
Dr. Chantelle Zimmer
Principal, Leslie M. Stover Middle School