Title 1: Parent and Family Engagement
School-Level Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Leslie M. Stover Middle School has collaborated with school personnel, community members, and parents to create this Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy. The school welcomes feedback from all stakeholders through our SIC, PTO, surveys, conferences, and other community events. The policy is reviewed annually in a Title I meeting scheduled and posted on our webpage, and social media outlets. The policy explains the means for carrying out the following Title I parent and family engagement requirements underline by the state and school districts.
The goal of this policy is to: (1) Honor and recognize families’ knowledge, (2) Connect family engagement to student learning, (3) Create a welcoming, inviting culture, and (4) Develop the capacity of families to negotiate the roles of supporters, advocates, and collaborators.
Stover Middle school will continue to practice the following to support the Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy: (1) Convene an annual meeting, to which parents of participating students shall be invited and encouraged to attend, to inform their parents of the school’s participation in Title I and to explain the requirements of Title I, and the parents right to be involved. (2) Involve parents in a timely, organized, and ongoing way, as to review the school’s parental involvement policy, such meetings will be offered a flexible number of times dictated by the data received from parent survey. (3) At parent-teacher conferences, assessment information on student academic progress and grade level standards are shared with parents. Student progress in relation to state and local standards will be explain, as well as grade-level expectations for proficiency, curriculum being used, and interventions available for ELA, reading, and math are discussed.
Accessibility: Stover Middle School, to the extent practicable, provides opportunities for the informed participation of all parents and family members by providing information and school reports in various formats and language that parents understand on multiple platforms.\